“Seek the light, Dark One, when chaos and confusion obscure the truth. Keep faith, Dark One, against the tribulations that will raise your doubt. Be true, Dark One, to the one you love most in your heart.”
Received a copy from author for honest review.
You don’t need to have read Pure Healing to read this book. If you have read Pure Healing then, this book will not disappoint you.
This was truly a wonderful story. The characters were full of depth and I couldn’t help rooting for them, even ones that you probably shouldn’t. There is a bit of a mystery but it is not the heart of the story. This is a story that goes beyond love and delves into destiny. What does one do when more than your soul is on the line? What would you give to spare the love of your existence pain? Will you give up this life for a chance of meeting again? The painful truth is that these questions demand an answers before destiny can be fulfilled and you won’t know the consequences of your choice until destiny has its way. But the journey maybe just as important as your destination because when living becomes the deciding factor, only what you know to be true can give you the courage to choose. As with all good stories, the ending leaves you with a few questions and several intriguing possibilities. I look forward to what this series has in store next.