“There are big bad wolves all over the world who tremble at the sound of his name, yet a little puny coyote girl peanut-buttered the seat of Bran Cornick’s car because he told her that she should wear a dress to perform for the pack.”

Frost Burned - Patricia Briggs

This was a really good Mercy read. Oh my...a lot happened in a very short time. I love that we get to see Asil interacting with Mercy. I'm also thrilled that we get more Tad and Zee. Overall, it was faced paced and full of action. I would love to talk about everything and just how awesome this installment was, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone else. Just know that if you love Mercy and Adam, are still angry over Stefen, and wonder about Cantrip, this book will make you happy :-)